Connecting R via JDBC




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    Javier Gutierrez

    Hi Julian,

    For me it only works adding this to the string:


    Does it also work for you without the 's'? 

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    Martin Lutzemann

    Hey Javier,

    you can use a JDBC connection with and without SSL-security and this is where the mm/mms part from the connection url comes from. You have

    jdbc:datavirtuality:datavirtuality@mm://localhost:31000; for unsecured connections and

    jdbc:datavirtuality:datavirtuality@mms://localhost:31001; for SSL-secured connections.

    Using mms but not the SSL port (default 31001) should result in an error saying that the SSL message was not recognized. Basically, the same combination of Port and SSL setting that works for the Studio connection will work for the JDBC connection in R as well.


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    Chris B.

    Hi Julian,

    RJDBC stopped working in both linux and windows environments. The code was working fine but now I got the error when trying to open a connection to a database.

    R Version 3.6.1
    RJDBC 0.2-7.1
    rJava 0.9-11

    Error in .jcall(p, "Ljava/lang/Object;", "setProperty", "password", password) :
    method setProperty with signature (Ljava/lang/String;D)Ljava/lang/Object; not found

    Any ideas?


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    Carlos Klapp

    I tested connectivity with the following script and it is working correctly. I'm using the 2.4.16 version of the JDBC driver on Windows.

    drv <- JDBC("com.datavirtuality.dv.jdbc.Driver", "C:\\_DV_bin_linux\\jdbc\\datavirtuality\\datavirtuality-jdbc.2.4.16.jar")
    conn <- dbConnect(drv, "jdbc:datavirtuality:datavirtuality@mm://cwk.vm:31000", "admin", "admin")
    dbGetQuery(conn, 'SELECT * FROM "mssql_advworks_2019.AdventureWorks2019.HumanResources.Department" LIMIT 500;;')
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