View / Table description meta Data update/set in batch via SQL


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    Official comment
    Matthias Korn

    Hi Oliver,

    normally our metadata is gathered from the source and it should include descriptions. If you would like to update it, a metadata refresh can help. The descriptions we read are normally for views, tables and columns. If you can't see the descriptions, can you please provide the database type and we can check it.

    If you would like to set descriptions from any source, you can use the setRemark function, for example:

    EXEC "SYSADMIN.setRemark"(name => 'mydatasource.sales_data', remark => 'Sales information');

    This can be used in automation. Below statement sets the descriptions for tables according to a description table.

    LOOP ON (SELECT tableName, description from myconn.tableDescription) as cur
    EXEC SYSADMIN.setRemark("name" => cur.tableName, "remark" => cur.description);

    Please let us know if this works for you.


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