LDWH 2.0.51 released: Graphical materialization indication
Version 2.0.51 adds a small, but often requested feature to the Studio: A graphical indication if a view/table is optimized. In previous versions, you could only see this from the query plan or the Optimizations tab.
Now when browsing a virtual schema/data source, the view/table icon will reflect the optimization state. Unoptimized views/tables will keep the standard green/blue icon. Optimized views/tables will now get a red icon, as shown in this screenshot:
The icon also reflects if the materialization failed and show the corresponding error message in a tooltip. In the example shown above, the view mssql_bigquery_join is optimized. A tooltip will show the last materialization date. The view google_webmaster_query is optimized, but the last execution failed. All other views are unoptimized.
- DVCORE-5742 (Improvement): add a few more lines to the "Data source parameters" text area of MongoDB data source wizard
- DVCORE-5481 (Improvement): remove live search upon user action in CSV and XML/JSON query builders
- DVCORE-4890 (Improvement): prefill the endpoint input field with the value that is configured in the data source in XML/JSON/CSV query builder
- DVCORE-4832 (Improvement): graphically indicate in the data explorer if a table or a virtual view is materialized
- DVCORE-4673 (Improvement): add syntax highlighting for most of the functions available in DataVirtuality Server
- DVCORE-5740: help page is missing for MS SQL data source wizard
- DVCORE-5066: double-click on a table in the Analytical Storage does not generate the corresponding select statement
- DVCORE-5614 (Improvement): Implement push down for supported functions in Netezza
- DVCORE-5495: Query with CASE, TIMESTAMPDIFF and Aggregate yields error with MySQL data source
- DVCORE-5356: EXASOL: CREATE TABLE fails with a syntax error
- DVCORE-5416: JOIN of Salesforce tables having a parent-child relation fails if lookup column is used in criteria
- DVCORE-5628: Incorrect handling of numeric datatype with precision larger than 38 on Oracle
- DVCORE-5801 (Improvement): Remove unnecessary garbage collector settings from startup scripts
- DVCORE-5713 (Improvement): Improve performance on building query plan for complex queries
- DVCORE-5689 (Improvement): Improve performance on schema refresh
- DVCORE-5653 (Improvement): Create a procedure for the incremental download of data from the specified table
- DVCORE-5598 (Improvement): Allow retrieval of minimum value and id of the extreme record in UTILS.prepareTargetTable
- DVCORE-5093 (Improvement): Create a stored procedure that returns prospective column names and datatypes for a table with respect to a particular target system
- DVCORE-5052 (Improvement): Allow TextTable to return Null for non-existing columns with specified header
- DVCORE-3535 (Improvement): Create a function that returns the server timezone name in tz database format
- DVCORE-2906 (Improvement): Make clearQueryLogs(IN before timestamp) system procedure correctly process running queries
- DVCORE-5762: Default options lose their values after server restart
- DVCORE-5674: UPDATE statement fails when updating collated columns with a casted value
- DVCORE-5673: Increase the timeout in CLI and make it configurable
- DVCORE-5593: Querying view or table for which materialized table was recreated manually results in unclear error message
- DVCORE-5577: Skip update check for quartz scheduler
- DVCORE-5502: Javascript unescapeHtml4 function is not correctly recognized in ObjectTable
- DVCORE-5428: Importing connection results in storing of an incorrect password to configuration database if it is absent there but already exists in "dvserver-standalone.xml" file
- DVCORE-5422: LIKE_REGEX and SIMILAR TO are not correctly rewritten for Oracle and yield errors
- DVCORE-4938: Unclear error message is returned when trying to simultaneously create two data sources with the same name
- DVCORE-4267: Catching exception in the LOOP results in assertion error if exception is thrown by procedural call
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