smart completion in the editor

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    Sachin Pattan

    Hi Andreas,

    Thank you for your post. Just for you to understand more on how our code completion works, we have 3 level hierarchy that our code completion follows, Schemas.Views/procs/tables.columns. and then also aliases. The way it works now is, when you type
    1a. (control + space here) it will list all the schemas.
    1b. schema_name (control + space here) it will list all the schemas starting with schema_name.
    2a. schema_name. (control + space here) it should list all the views/procs/tables under it.
    2b. schema_name.a (control + space here) , it will list all the views/procs starting with a
    3a. schema_name.View_name. (control + space here) it will list all the columns under View_name
    3b. schema_name.View_name. (control + space here) it will list all the columns under View_name starting with a

    So, if we have to come up with "'dod' for example will find everything that '*d*o*d*' is matching", what we need to understand here is if you want this search to happen only at that corresponding level or it should also consider d.oooddd also?

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    Andreas Krammer

    Hi Sachin,

    it would be sufficient if the smart completion works within a hierarchy level, not between them.

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