Allow chaining to ONCE-type schedules



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    Matthias Korn

    Hi Thomas,

    if you chain the jobs on the job level (instead of chaining them to schedules), you will be able to run a single job just by right clicking and the depending job will then be kicked off (Even though we have a run once schedule. Would this be a solution?



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    Thomas Rehn

    Hi Matthias,

    Thanks for the quick reply. My hope was that there could be some built-in mechanism that will remove the ad-hoc connections or schedules after execution because they are really only meant as a one shot thing.

    We have some schedules which are connected by jobs instead of the schedules and for these the mechanism that you suggested works fine. However, I have some schedules in mind where I only want to execute some part from the middle and discard the rest (because it creates unnecessary load).

    I have also thought about writing a procedure that executes the jobs synchronously but there doesn't seem to be a way to run a job and block until it's finished. I could probably do some polling on this, though.

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    Martin Lutzemann

    Hi Thomas,

    what if you create a list of the jobs in question (manually or dynamically) and then create and additional chain of schedules for the sub-chain in question? You could then chain the very first of these schedules to the job that is the start and then trigger the job. Afterwards you can simply delete the newly created schedules dynamically too.

    If this is not to your liking then I will talk to our development. There are a few caveats with your approach at the moment, you see? We would need to determine how chained schedules behave if they are tied to a ONCE schedule and this one ran and got removed. We could decide on a ONCE and ONCE_REMOVE sort of schedules but this would affect all systems as we then would have to think about the default schedule type when someone chooses to 'start job' from the context menu.

    Please let us know your thoughts. If you want to try my suggestion then we can certainly discuss this further in scope of a support ticket (I would post the final SQL here for everyone to see).
    Otherwise, any feedback regarding how you think this could be tackled is highly appreciated.

    Have a great day!

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