Data Virtuality Platform 2.4.28: Improvements, bug fixes, updates
This relatively small release brings several improvements, bug fixes, and updates.
The improvements for the Server include boosting the performance of getting customer IDs for Google Ads API, adding the TenantId connection property for the Web Service connector, and increasing the max identifier length from 100 to 512 characters. Please note that as a result of the latter, the size of some columns in multiple system tables has changed, which may cause replication errors. Also, there's a known issue with the ODBC driver: long schema and table/view names get truncated. We have also updated the JDBC driver for ClickHouse to v0.3.2 (be advised that it only supports ClickHouse 20.7 or above) and fixed two bugs: one causing an OutOfMemoryError when refreshing a data source with a large number of tables and views and another, affecting BiqQuery and causing creating a data source with the authentication method that does not involve ClientId and ClientSecret to fail.
On the Studio side, we have updated Eclipse RCP to version 2022-06, renamed the "Maximum copy size (in MB)" field to "Maximum Copy to Clipboard Size (in MB)", and fixed a bug causing an unnecessary warning to be shown for any permission change.
As for the Connectors, the Bing Ads connector got two bug fixes: the Report_AdPerformance report will no longer throw the error "In column reportRequestId: Invalid long format in String", and getting data from Report_CampaignPerformance report will now work correctly.
Here are all issues in this release:
- DVCORE-7789 (Improvement): Google Ads API: improve performance of getting customer IDs
- DVCORE-7774 (Improvement): Web Service connector: add TenantId connection property
- DVCORE-7703 (Improvement): Increase max identifier length from 100 to 512 characters
- DVCORE-7586 (Improvement): ClickHouse: update JDBC driver to v0.3.2
- DVCORE-7791 (Bug Fix): Refreshing a data source with a large number of tables and views causes an OutOfMemoryError
- DVCORE-7790 (Bug Fix): BigQuery: creating a data source with the authentication method that does not involve ClientId and ClientSecret fails
- DVCORE-7795 (Improvement): rename the "Maximum copy size (in MB)" field of SQL editor preferences
- DVCORE-7777 (Improvement): update Eclipse RCP to the version 2022-06
- DVCORE-7770 (Bug Fix): an unnecessary warning is shown for any permission change
- SQL-517 (Bug Fix): Bing Ads: Report_AdPerformance report throws an error "In column reportRequestId: Invalid long format in String"
- SQL-510 (Bug Fix): Bing Ads: getting data from Report_CampaignPerformance report fails
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