Google Analytics 4 availability and next steps



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    Eugene Bykov

    Our developers completed the new connector for Google Analytics Data API Beta. Since the Google API is yet in Beta phase, and we cannot affect this, we also market the connector as Beta, being based on the pre-release API. There are some known restrictions, the major one will be no support for OAuth authentication. This means that the developer account, and the service account key will need to be created to evaluate and use the connector.

    Further changes are inevitable, and will arrive, as soon as the API is released by Google.

    If you wish to test the connector, please connect the support team. Very likely, some server-side changes will be required for compatibility reasons, however the connector can already be provided for evaluation upon request. 

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    Eugene Bykov

    Google Analytics 4 connector was released within the scope of Data Virtuality Server version 4.0.6. Please contact the support team if you wish to receive a server update.

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