If you plan to launch the Data Virtuality Platform on your AWS account, you can use a preconfigured AMI (Amazon Machine Image). The following article will guide you through the process of creating a new instance from that AMI.
If you have not yet obtained access to the AMI, please contact the support.
Finding the Data Virtuality AMI Using the Console
- Open the Amazon EC2 console.
- Choose the correct geographical region as communicated by Data Virtuality support.
- In the navigation pane, click on "AMIs".
- In the first filter, select Private images. The Data Virtuality AMI should be listed.
Configuring the EC2 Instance
- Right-click on the Data Virtuality AMI and click "Launch".
- Choose the instance type. For productive scenarios, we recommend using m5.xlarge, for test scenarios t3.xlarge. If you choose another instance type, please provide at least 16GB RAM and 4 CPUs.
- Click on "Next: Configure Instance Details". The default configuration is sufficient for most use cases. In case of a VPC deployment, make sure to choose a select a VPC/subnet according to your requirements.
- Click on "Next: Add Storage". The storage size should be at least 250 GB for productive uses or 100 GB for tests.
- Click on "Next: Tag Instance" and provide appropriate tags if desired.
- Click on "Next: Configure Security Group". Create a new security group with rules to unblock the following TCP ports: 8080 (HTTP), 31001 (JDBC over SSL), 35433 (ODBC over SSL).
You may optionally also unblock the TCP ports 35432 (ODBC) and 31000 (JDBC). However, they are not secured by SSL.
For a Linux-based image, please make sure that SSH port 22 is unblocked. For Windows-based image, please make sure that RDP port 3389 is unblocked. - Click on "Review and Launch" and Launch the instance.
- For Linux-based images, create a key pair to connect to the running instance using SSH and save the key to your local machine as prompted.
Downloading the Data Virtuality Client Software
- Open the Amazon EC2 console.
- In the navigation pane, click on "Instances".
- Select the instance you just started.
- Copy the public IP to your clipboard.
- Navigate to http://<instance IP>:8080 in your web browser.
- Provide admin as user name and admin as password
- Download the Data Virtuality Studio for your platform as well as the documentation and the drivers (if appropriate).
Connecting to the instance using SSH (Linux-based image)
Start your SSH client and connect to the public IP of the instance. The username is ec2-user. Public key authentication is used instead of passwords.
Depending on your platform you might need to convert the private key file from to the "ppk" format using free software like puttygen.exe.
Login data for connecting to Data Virtuality is admin as user name and admin as password.
Connecting to the instance using Remote Desktop (Windows-based image)
Please use the "Get Windows password" function on the running instance in the AWS EC2 console to obtain your credentials and use them to connect to the instance via Windows Remote Desktop.
Please make sure to change the password after the first login.
Login data for connecting to Data Virtuality is admin as user name and admin as password.
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