The following procedure provides the opportunity to filter the resultset before the actual CSV export.
CREATE VIRTUAL PROCEDURE views.csvExport ( IN sourceSchema string NOT NULL OPTIONS (ANNOTATION 'The source schema in datavirtuality.') , IN sourceTable string NOT NULL OPTIONS (ANNOTATION 'The source table in datavirtuality.') , IN targetSchema string NOT NULL OPTIONS (ANNOTATION 'A file datasource in datavirtuality. The file will be stored in the directory assigned to the file datasource.') , IN targetFile string OPTIONS (ANNOTATION 'The name of the file to store the exported data. If a file with same name exists, it will be overwritten. If omitted, name will be created: sourceSchema_sourceTable.csv.') , IN delimiter string OPTIONS (ANNOTATION 'When DELIMITER is not specified, by default comma(,) is used as delimiter.') , IN quote string OPTIONS (ANNOTATION 'Double quotes(") is the default quote character. Use QUOTE to specify a different value. All values will be quoted.') , IN header boolean OPTIONS (ANNOTATION 'If HEADER is specified, the result contains the header row as the first line - the header line will be present even if there are no rows in a group.') , IN orderBy string OPTIONS (ANNOTATION 'An ORDER BY-clause may be used to sort the output.') , IN encoding string OPTIONS (ANNOTATION 'Encoding for the created file. Default is the systems default encoding.') , IN filteringExpression string OPTIONS (ANNOTATION 'Expression which should be used in WHERE clause to filter results in the source view or table.') ) OPTIONS (ANNOTATION 'Exports content of a table into a textfile.') AS BEGIN DECLARE string variables.source_schema = LCASE(REPLACE(sourceSchema, '"', '')); DECLARE string variables.source_table = LCASE(REPLACE(sourceTable, '"', '')); DECLARE string variables.target_schema = LCASE(REPLACE(targetSchema, '"', '')); DECLARE string variables.target_file = targetFile; DECLARE boolean variables.header = COALESCE(header,FALSE); DECLARE string variables.order_by = LCASE(REPLACE(orderBy, '"', '')); DECLARE string variables.delimiter = delimiter; DECLARE string variables.quote = quote; DECLARE string variables.encoding = encoding; DECLARE string variables.columns = ''; DECLARE string variables.export_command = ''; IF ( ( SELECT a."Name" FROM "SYS.Schemas" a WHERE LCASE(a."Name") = variables.source_schema ) IS NULL ) BEGIN ERROR 'Schema ' || variables.source_schema || ' does not exist'; END IF ( ( SELECT a."Name" FROM "SYS.Schemas" a WHERE LCASE(a."Name") = variables.target_schema ) IS NULL ) BEGIN ERROR 'Schema ' || variables.target_schema || ' does not exist'; END IF ( ( SELECT a."Name" FROM "SYS.Tables" a WHERE LCASE(a."Name") = variables.source_table AND LCASE(a."schemaName") = variables.source_schema ) IS NULL ) BEGIN ERROR 'Table ' || variables.source_table || ' does not exist'; END IF ( variables.target_file IS NULL OR variables.target_file = '' ) BEGIN variables.target_file = ( variables.source_schema || '_' || variables.source_table || '.csv' ) ; END LOOP ON ( SELECT a."Name" FROM "SYS"."Columns" a WHERE LCASE(a."tableName") = variables.source_table AND LCASE(a."schemaName") = variables.source_schema ORDER BY a.position ) AS cursor_column_names BEGIN variables.columns = ( variables.columns || 'COALESCE("' || cursor_column_names."Name" || '",'''') AS "' || cursor_column_names."Name" || '",' ) ; END variables.columns = TRIM(TRAILING ',' FROM variables.columns); variables.export_command = 'EXEC ' || variables.target_schema || '.saveFile( ''' || variables.target_file || ''', ( SELECT TEXTAGG(' || variables.columns || CASE WHEN variables.delimiter IS NOT NULL THEN ' DELIMITER ''' || variables.delimiter || '''' ELSE '' END || CASE WHEN variables.quote IS NOT NULL THEN ' QUOTE ''' || variables.quote || '''' ELSE '' END || CASE WHEN variables.header = TRUE THEN ' HEADER ' ELSE '' END || CASE WHEN variables.encoding IS NOT NULL THEN ' ENCODING "' || variables.encoding || '"' ELSE '' END || CASE WHEN variables.order_by IS NOT NULL THEN ' ORDER BY ' || variables.order_by ELSE '' END || ')' || ' FROM "' || variables.source_schema || '"."' || variables.source_table || '"' || CASE WHEN filteringExpression is null or rtrim(filteringExpression) = '' THEN '' ELSE ' WHERE ' || filteringExpression END || ') )' ; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE variables.export_command; END;
After creating the procedure you can run the export with the following call statement.
call "views.csvExport"( "sourceSchema" => 'string_sourceSchema', "sourceTable" => 'string_sourceTable', "targetSchema" => 'string_targetSchema', "targetFile" => 'string_targetFile', "delimiter" => 'string_delimiter', "quote" => 'string_quote', "header" => boolean_header, "orderBy" => 'string_orderBy', "encoding" => 'string_encoding', "filteringExpression" => 'string_filteringExpression' );;
The filtering expression can be used like a where clause.
For example, if you have a column which is called year_c and you want all the data from 2017 it could look like this.
call "views.csvExport"( "sourceSchema" => 'string_sourceSchema', "sourceTable" => 'string_sourceTable', "targetSchema" => 'string_targetSchema', "targetFile" => 'test.csv', "delimiter" => ';', "quote" => '"', "header" => true, "encoding" => 'UTF-8', "filteringExpression" => 'year_c=2017' );;
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