Data Virtuality does not provide a WSDL parser at the moment, so, if you don't want to read the XML by hand, you will need an external tool.
We recommend to use SoapUI.
Let's use the folng example, the weatherendpoint
First of all create a webservice datasource let say soap
open a new project in SoapUI
select a service
test it with test values
copy the xml request
< soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv = "" xmlns:web = "http://www.webserviceX.NET" > < soapenv:Header /> < soapenv:Body > < web:GetCitiesByCountry > <!--Optional:--> < web:CountryName >Australia</ web:CountryName > </ web:GetCitiesByCountry > </ soapenv:Body > </ soapenv:Envelope > |
remove body and envelope and copy the namespaces to the root element
< web:GetCitiesByCountry xmlns:soapenv = "" xmlns:web = "http://www.webserviceX.NET" > < web:CountryName >Australia</ web:CountryName > </ web:GetCitiesByCountry > |
create a file datasource, e.g. xmlfiles
use your webservice datasource and save the returned xml data in a file GetCitiesByCountry.xml in the datasource xmlfiles
call "xmlfiles.saveFile" ( "filePath" => 'GetCitiesByCountry.xml' , "file" => ( select * from table ( call "soap.invoke" ( "binding" => 'SOAP12' , "action" => 'GetCitiesByCountry' , "request" => '<web:GetCitiesByCountry xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:web="http://www.webserviceX.NET"> <web:CountryName>Australia</web:CountryName> </web:GetCitiesByCountry>' , ) ) "xml" ) );; |
open the XML/JSON Query builder and open the xml file
choose the xml you wan to get.
In this case the retuned xml contains a single CDATA element, which contains a encapsulated XML:
soap:Envelope xmlns:soap= "" xmlns:xsi= "" xmlns:xsd= "" > <soap:Body> <GetCitiesByCountryResult><![CDATA[<NewDataSet> < Table > <Country>Australia</Country> <City>Archerfield Aerodrome</City> </ Table > < Table > <Country>Australia</Country> <City>Amberley Aerodrome</City> </ Table > < Table > <Country>Australia</Country> ... |
The query will then look like
SELECT XMLPARSE ( DOCUMENT ( "xmlTable.GetCitiesByCountryResult" ) ) FROM (call "xmlfiles" .getFiles( '/GetCitiesByCountry.xml' )) f, XMLTABLE(XMLNAMESPACES( DEFAULT 'http://www.webserviceX.NET' ), '/GetCitiesByCountryResponse' PASSING XMLPARSE(DOCUMENT to_chars(f.file, 'UTF-8' ) WELLFORMED) COLUMNS "GetCitiesByCountryResult" STRING PATH 'GetCitiesByCountryResult' ) "xmlTable" |
save the response in a additional file GetCitiesByCountryResult.xml
call "xmlfiles.saveFile" ( "filePath" => 'GetCitiesByCountryResult.xml' , "file" => ( SELECT XMLPARSE ( DOCUMENT ( "xmlTable.GetCitiesByCountryResult" ) ) FROM (call "xmlfiles" .getFiles( '/GetCitiesByCountry.xml' )) f, XMLTABLE(XMLNAMESPACES( DEFAULT 'http://www.webserviceX.NET' ), '/GetCitiesByCountryResponse' PASSING XMLPARSE(DOCUMENT to_chars(f.file, 'UTF-8' ) WELLFORMED) COLUMNS "GetCitiesByCountryResult" STRING PATH 'GetCitiesByCountryResult' ) "xmlTable" ) );; |
use again the XML/JSON Query builder to parse the GetCitiesByCountryResult.xml
this will lead to
SELECT "xmlTable.Country" , "xmlTable.City" FROM (call "xmlfiles" .getFiles( '/GetCitiesByCountryResult.xml' )) f, XMLTABLE( '/NewDataSet/Table' PASSING XMLPARSE(DOCUMENT to_chars(f.file, 'UTF-8' ) WELLFORMED) COLUMNS "Country" STRING PATH 'Country' , "City" STRING PATH 'City' ) "xmlTable" |
and return the wanted result
Finally we can combine everything in
SELECT "xmlTable2" .* FROM TABLE ( call "soap.invoke" ( "binding" => 'SOAP12' , "action" => 'GetCitiesByCountry' , "request" => '<web:GetCitiesByCountry xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:web="http://www.webserviceX.NET"> <web:CountryName>Australia</web:CountryName> </web:GetCitiesByCountry>' , , XMLTABLE ( XMLNAMESPACES ( DEFAULT 'http://www.webserviceX.NET' ), '/GetCitiesByCountryResponse' PASSING "soapxml" . "result" COLUMNS "GetCitiesByCountryResult" STRING PATH 'GetCitiesByCountryResult' ) "xmlTable" , XMLTABLE ( '/NewDataSet/Table' PASSING XMLPARSE ( DOCUMENT ( "xmlTable.GetCitiesByCountryResult" ) ) COLUMNS "Country" STRING PATH 'Country' , "City" STRING PATH 'City' ) "xmlTable2" ;; |
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